Strategic Fixed Income

Consistent, predictable returns over time

Our strategies emphasize yield while keeping duration neutral to the benchmark, which we believe can produce consistent, predictable returns over time. Customization in client portfolios and effective risk management enable us to offer a differentiated approach.

Our specialists and strategies are:


Our management team comprises dedicated sector specialists who have worked together, through varied market cycles, for more than 15 years.


We use a repeatable, time-tested process to capture incremental returns while maintaining a neutral duration posture to minimize risk.


Constructing portfolios according to each client's guidelines offers flexibility and customization.


Seasoned analysts bring sector expertise developed by maintaining coverage throughout cycles and economic events.

2Q2024 Quick Take

Co-CIO and Portfolio Manager, David Nirtaut, provides his latest investment grade fixed income market outlook in this quarter's video.

headshot of Peter Hegel
“Through time-tested strategies we seek to capture the majority of available incremental investment returns while maintaining a neutral duration posture to minimize risk. Our approach capitalizes on in-depth research and yield curve analysis to determine the most efficient portfolio structure.”

Peter Hegel, Senior Managing Director, Strategic Fixed Income

Anchoring client portfolios

Our highly experienced team builds custom strategies designed to anchor client portfolios over the long term.


    Invests in:

    • US Government and corporate bonds

    • Residential and commercial mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities

    Duration:  +/- 5% of the Benchmark

    Average credit quality: High

    Benchmark: Bloomberg US Aggregate Index

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and Todd Kurisu, CFA 

    Inception: 12.31.1999



    Invests in:

    • US Government bonds

    • Investment grade corporate bonds

    • High yield corporate bonds and leveraged loans

    • Taxable municipal bonds

    • Residential and commercial mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities

    Duration:  +/- 20% of the Benchmark

    Average credit quality: A-

    Benchmark: Bloomberg US Aggregate Index

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and James Lisko

    Inception: 10.1.2019

    Fact sheet


    Invests in:  A diversified portfolio of US Government and corporate investment grade fixed income securities

    Maturities: 1-10 years, adjusted duration in line with benchmark

    Duration: +/- 5% of the Benchmark

    Credit quality:  High

    Benchmark:  Bloomberg  Intermediate US Government/Credit Index

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and Todd Kurisu, CFA

    Inception:  12.31.1994



    Invests in:  A diversified portfolio of US Government and corporate investment grade fixed income securities

    Maturities: 1-10 years, adjusted duration in line with benchmark

    Duration: +/- 5% of the Benchmark

    Credit quality:  High

    Benchmark:  Bloomberg 1-3 Yr Gov/Credit Index

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and Todd Kurisu, CFA

    Inception:  3.31.2005

    The key features of the Short Term strategy include a portfolio primarily invested in US Government and corporate investment grade fixed income securities with maturities between 1 and 3 years, adjusted duration in line with benchmark Bloomberg Capital 1-3 Year Government/Credit Index and high average credit quality.



    Invests in:

    • US Government and corporate bonds

    • Taxable municipal bonds

    • Residential and commercial mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities

    Maturities: 5-30 years, adjusted duration in line with the benchmark and/or liabilities

    Duration: +/- 10% of the benchmark

    Average credit quality: A

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and Todd Kurisu, CFA

    Inception: 4.30.2015


    Invests in:

    • US Government bonds

    • Investment grade corporate bonds

    • High yield corporate bonds and leveraged loans

    • Taxable municipal bonds

    • Residential and commercial mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities

    Currencies Maturities: 1-40 years

    Duration: +/- 20% of the benchmark

    Average credit quality: A-

    Benchmark: Bloomberg US Aggregate Index

    Portfolio Managers: Peter Hegel, David Nirtaut and Todd Kurisu, CFA

    Inception: 10.1.2019

    Choice in investment vehicle


    Headshot of Peter Hegel

    Peter W. Hegel

    Senior Managing Director, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of David Nirtaut

    David D. Nirtaut

    Senior Managing Director, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Dan J. Personette

    Dan J. Personette, CFA

    Managing Director, Portfolio Manager | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Todd Kurisu

    Todd R. Kurisu, CFA

    Managing Director, Portfolio Manager | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Michael Budd

    Michael Budd, FSA

    Managing Director, Portfolio Manager | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Michael Coutre

    Michael P. Coutré, CFA

    Managing Director | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Anne Tremmel

    Anne M. Tremmel, CFA

    Managing Director | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Luis Villarejo

    Luis Villarejo

    Managing Director | Strategic Fixed Income

    Headshot of Jim DeZellar

    Jim DeZellar, CFA

    Managing Director | Global Investment Management Distribution

    Headshot of James Kilbane

    James J. Kilbane

    Managing Director | Global Investment Management Distribution




    The information contained herein should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security or investment vehicle offered by Mesirow . The information included has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not necessarily complete and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc. and its affiliated companies and/or individuals may, from time to time, own, have long or short positions in, or options on, or act as a market maker in, any securities discussed herein and may also perform financial advisory or investment banking services for those companies. A complete list of composites can be made available upon request. Information is provided in U.S. dollar denominations.

    It should not be assumed that any recommendations incorporated herein will be profitable or will equal past performance. Any stated performance results include the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. The Mesirow name and logo are registered service marks of Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc. Investment management services offered by Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc., an SEC-registered investment advisor. Securities offered through Mesirow Financial, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC.