High Yield Management

Above-average income potential

Our clients gain above-average income potential and repeatable opportunities to earn alpha given our ability to develop a proprietary information advantage in smaller high yield names. Our philosophy is grounded on the belief that industry selection, especially the avoidance of bubble industries from their inception, is a primary alpha driver. 

Our specialists and strategies are:


Our team's experience and cohesiveness reflects time-tested professional tenure and continuity.


Our emphasis on small- and mid-cap issues enables us to seek higher incremental yield relative to risk.


Through adherence to our industry selection process, we've avoided the five most significant high yield industry bubbles and subsequent default waves since 1999.

headshot of Robert Sydow
“We believe that our strategy which includes investing in small issues, is the most direct way to capitalize on local informational advantages in the lucrative realm of credit (where a disciplined approach can systematically add value) while simultaneously ‘selling’ liquidity to parties who systematically overvalue it.”

Robert Sydow, Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager, Mesirow High Yield Management

Mesirow High Yield

For 25 years we have helped clients reap the high yield market’s enormous potential for return, while managing risk.


    Investment focus:  Below investment grade corporate securities

    Market capitalization:  Emphasis on small-to-mid sized capitalization companies

    Number of holdings:  75-125

    Position weight:  1-2%

    Benchmark:  Bloomberg  US Corporate High Yield Index

    Vehicles:  Separate account | Mutual fund | Collective investment trust

    Portfolio Managers:  Robert Sydow, Kevin Buckle, CFA, and Jim Lisko

    Inception:  3.1.1999



    Investment focus:  Syndicated leveraged loans issued by corporate borrowers, which includes both first and second lien loans

    Number of holdings:  60-100

    Position weight:  1-2%

    Benchmark:  Credit Suisse Leveraged Loan Index

    Vehicles:  Separate account | Commingled limited partnership

    Portfolio Managers:  Robert Sydow, Kevin Buckle, CFA, and Jim Lisko

    Inception:  8.2.2007


    Choice in investment vehicle

    Senior leaders

    Headshot of Robert Sydow

    Robert Sydow

    Chief Investment Officer | High Yield Management

    Headshot of Kevin Buckle

    Kevin Buckle, CFA

    Senior Managing Director | High Yield Management

    Headshot of James Lisko

    James Lisko

    Senior Managing Director | High Yield Management



    The information contained herein should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security or investment vehicle offered by Mesirow . The information included has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not necessarily complete and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc. and its affiliated companies and/or individuals may, from time to time, own, have long or short positions in, or options on, or act as a market maker in, any securities discussed herein and may also perform financial advisory or investment banking services for those companies. A complete list of composites can be made available upon request. Information is provided in US dollar denominations.

    It should not be assumed that any recommendations incorporated herein will be profitable or will equal past performance. Any stated performance results include the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. The Mesirow name and logo are registered service marks of Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc. Investment management services offered by Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc., an SEC-registered investment advisor. Securities offered through Mesirow Financial, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC.